Our Broken Family of Horses
This information is for whoever has taken responsibility for these precious and special horse souls, and I assume would want to know their names, medications, and that they have had a complex and stable social structure for 10-15 years that will cause enormous grief to them if destroyed.
Here is an awesome video done in 2018, so it is pretty much all the same horses we still have now.
This is what these poor innocent souls were dealing with for June and July of 2021 at Chevallier Ranch--no food but grasshoppers and being chased without mercy by 4-wheelers to the point of exhaustion.
IMPORTANT: Mr Ed and Reba have been started on Pergolide for Cushing's Syndrome. Princess should be also.
Sugar and Thunder: Long time bonded pair, must NOT be separated or will suffer lasting painful grief:

Sugar: 23 y/o Belgian cross mare, 17 hh, 2000 lb, strawberry roan, sound, no issues, shod. NOT marish at all--I mean zero.

Thunder: 23 y/o Belgian cross gelding, 17 hh, 2000 lbs, sorrel with flaxen main/tail, sound, shod, no issues,
Ranger and Reba: Long time bonded pair, must NOT be separated or will suffer lasting painful grief:

Reba, Retired, on Pergolide for Cushing's Syndrome
Ranger--unk age paint, mostly dark brown/black with white markings on sides--(one shaped like a steer head), 15hh, 1100lb, sound, , not shod. Although he was also used as a customer horse, he was always the favorite wrangler horse and was used mostly in that capacity because he was so good at it. He could be ridden up next to any horse without intimidating that horse to fix or adjust things. He could be dismounted and would walk along in the line riderless if the wrangler wanted to walk along with the ride for any reason (adjusting things, etc) (one wrangler did that a lot). I would say his one issue is that he does NOT like to be "left behind". It very much upsets him.
Mr Ed and Atreyu also like to hang out with Ranger and Reba.

Atreyu, Children's Horse, retired due to swayback
Mister Ed, retired, on Pergolide for Cushing's Syndrome, Bonded to Ranger and Reba
Blanca and SweetPea: Long time bonded pair, must NOT be separated or will suffer lasting painful grief.

Blanca, children's horse: unk age, unk breed, white "grey" mare, 14.5hh, 1000 lbs, easy keeper, light duty--has tender feet only if used long and hard with adult riders. No issues, Shod. Used as "Unicorn" at "Pony Parties" and used often with Galahad for marriage proposals.

SweetPea, children's horse, 23 y/o reg. quarter horse mare, light golden coat and mane/tail. Like Blanca, 14.5hh, 1000 lbs, easy keeper, light duty--has tender feet only if used long and hard with adult riders. No issues, Shod.
Long time bonded pair, must NOT be separated or will suffer lasting painful grief.

Galahad, a very special horse: Pure black Tennessee Walker, 17hh, 1300lb, gelding. Big-boned and sturdy--often took riders more than 230 lbs. No issues. Not shod. He is a such a noble creature and our sweetest horse. Many marriage proposals were done from his back to ladies on Miss Blanca, the white horse I'm so worried about right now. He also was dressed as a knight's horse for some proposals (by knights in costume armor) and in parades. He is so careful about people that you can safely sit under him behind his front legs with no concern for your safety. Issue: he has a choppy walk that i believe is from weird Tennessee Walker shoeing in his youth--it does not seem to bother the customers.
more Galahad pictures

Princess, children's horse, retired due to swayback and feet, but good for pony parties. Also very bonded to Galahad. He is the sun and the moon to her, and she might die if wrenched away from him.

Ducati, children's horse: unk age, unk breed, gelding, dark dun w/ amazing eyes matching his brindled coat. 14.5hh, 1100 lbs, easy keeper. Sound. No issues. We kept him as a light duty children's horse to protect his long back even though he never evidenced any pain from it. He was such a good children's horse and we wanted to save and protect him that way.
Amigo, Children's Horse: A VERY special horse. Unk age, unk breed, sorrel w/flaxen mane/tail gelding. 14hh, 1000 lbs, sound. No issues!!! Ever!!! Amigo is absolutely our best trail horse for children or adults. He won me a large "Trail Trials" event in SoCal. I always said if I could just have 50 Amigos of various sizes, I'd be set for horses. His personality in 1 word: meek. (Always at bottom of pecking order--walks away from trouble every time.) Wrangler favorite for ease of use.
More Amigo
Galahad is his rock. He has been with Galahad for 16 years and he will be depressed and lost without his leader.
Amigo and Ducati also need to be with Galahad or they will suffer.

Savannah: 13.5hh, 1100lb, bay mustang mare. Very easy keeper. Stocky and sturdy--weight of taller horse, but short mustang legs. Sound. Shod. She is a bit marish--we just attended to who we put her next to. Loves people. Photo does NOT do her justice.
Mojave Moon, 12 year old half mustang (son of Savannah), bay, 14.5, 1100lb, sound, not shod, no issues. Smartest horse we ever had and a character--very people-oriented.

Jazmin: unk age, unk breed sorrel mare, 14 hh, 1000lb, sound, shod, no issues.

Tomahawk: unk age, unk breed (quarter?) gelding, red dun, 15 hh, 1100lb, sound and sturdy--previous owner was well into the 200 lbs. Shod, no issues.

Rio Grande: unk age, unk breed (quarter/arab?) gelding, 15hh, 1100lb, shod, sound, no issues. Tends to be a wrangler's favorite ride, even though he is perfectly good dude trail horse--I think it's a "horsenality" thing.